I am constantly amazed at how fast life can fill up. We have so much that constantly bombards us. Everything from billboards and ads on TV or the radio. Troubling news of countries that are struck with tragedy of natural disasters or human hand. So much. Every day. Wow.
But then, there are those times that I can relax in a bubble bath with a good book and forget about my skin getting pruny because I am feeling so rejuvenated by the inspirational words or messages. I did just that on Thursday night. After I started my blog, my sister told me she had a book that was perfect for what I was trying to do. She mailed it to me and encouraged me to read it. I am so glad that I did! I read "Life of a Daymaker" by David Wagner. He is the founder of Juut Salon Spa in Minneapolis. I highly recommend reading this book and taking to heart his message. Basically, his goal is to make someone's day...every day. Sound familiar? I thought so too. He had a great backstory to his mission and encouraging ideas and points to ponder. The book is also filled with great quotes to remember, write down, and read often.
March 6th to today has been a busy time for me. I have been job hunting, house shopping, lesson planning, house cleaning (okay, maybe not), and trying to keep up with everything that is being thrown my way. Luckily, I have spring break coming up. A time to rest and catch up on all of the things I have on my ever-increasing to-do list.
In the past couple of weeks I have honestly not been very good about keeping up with my challenge. I have done some things, like donating blood, donating money to support a friend who is walking in the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer, sponsored my nieces in their schools' Read-athon fundraiser, signed up for the Pound for Pound Challenge to get food for food banks, sent encouraging letters for friends who were down and out, read for Mr. Ray, taught children's church, emailed a company about their choice to use chocolate that is not fair trade and other such things.
While I am falling behind on meeting my goal, I have to make tomorrow a fresh start. I need encouragement and support. So, if you are reading this...please hold me accountable. I need to do one thing each day and record it. I know what I have to do. Plan. If I plan what I am going to do, and I schedule things like volunteering at a soup kitchen or something, I am more likely to follow through. So, that is the goal.
Looking ahead to the week:
I am finally cutting my hair on Friday. I am going full-force and chopping off 10+ inches to donate for Locks for Love. I am excited for the change and to know that I am helping someone in a very personal way. I am looking through my list of 365 things to do to see what else I should pre-plan so this week can be successful. I'm open to ideas if you have any!!!!
Lately, I have felt like I should not blog about what I am doing, but rather what others have done for me or what I have seen others do. I have been so blessed these last couple of weeks by the generosity and kindness of others. A sales person at a store at the mall made my day by allowing me to return a defective product without a receipt. This saved me $50! Wahoo! I have seen a 7 year old boy and his mom use the horrible situation they are in to touch the lives of others. He is battling cancer and trying to collect a pillow pet for every kid in America who is ill as a way of showing God' love and providing comfort. Stories of people coming together to help with the efforts in Japan. I am seeing so much good in the world. It's been quite an amazing journey so far to see my heart changing and to view the world through a different lens. There is a song that talks about viewing the world through the eyes of God. I have been praying that prayer and trying so hard to look at things with an eternal perspective, rather than an earthly one.
So, that's it for now. I pray that this week will be successful and that I will give the glory to God in all I do.
Lots of Love!
Just checking in. I haven't seen a post in a while? Are you keeping up with your daily goal? Lifting you up in prayer, I know that you can do this. :) I need to catch up on all that you have done so far so I can make suggestions. I will try to do that soon.