A month or so ago, a couple in my church shared an illustration about time management. They held up a jar full of rice and walnuts still in their shell. They explained that everyone has the same amount of time in a day. Time was represented by the jar. Everyone has 24 hours in a day. There are no exceptions. All of the great people in history only had 24 hours in their days just like you and me. Then they explained that life can get so full with "stuff" and things that are not important. These things can add up and overwhelm us and take up our time. They used rice to represent these things. Finally, there are things that are important and things that God has given us to do. These were represented by the walnuts. They showed that if you live your life by making time for the priorities first, the other stuff will fill in the gaps. So, if you put the walnuts in the jar first, the rice will fill in the spaces and everything can fit in the jar. However, if you do it the other way around, only the rice will fit in the jar and the walnuts will sit on top of the rice and fall out. I thought that this illustration was the perfect way to represent how I was feeling about my life. I know I have things in my life that should be priorities, but I so often push those aside and spend my time doing the little things that don't really matter in the end.
Then, the Tuesday before Thanksgiving I was at my weekly Bible Study when my pastor's wife, Tracy, made a statement that really struck a chord within me. She said something to the effect of, "Grateful people give." While this may seem to be a simple concept, fundamental even, it is one that has been ringing in my ears ever since. The Bible Study continued and the ladies shared in discussion about how so many people in America have an attitude of entitlement rather than one of gratitude. I nodded in agreement.
After Bible Study I was listening to KLOVE on the radio. It was the day of the "Thanksgiving for Africa" campaign. One man shared a story of his trip to an African country. He said that a man had asked him if it is true that Americans actually pay money to lose weight. Wow, this really stuck with me.
I proceeded throughout my day feeling a heavy sense of burden. I spent a lot of time reflecting on my attitude, thoughts, and actions. I thought back to the rice and walnuts and the discussion at Bible Study. I was ashamed of what I saw when I took a good hard look in the mirror. The truth is that I am a Christian but my life does not reflect much of Christ's love. I try to pray and thank the Lord for all of the ways he has blessed me. I tell others how grateful I am. I even tell myself how grateful I am. But how have I shown through my actions what I have in my heart? The truth is, I haven't.
I have had a pit in my stomach for sometime now over the homeless people I drive past and the flashbacks I have from the commercials asking people to donate money to feed the starving children in Africa or the neglected animals in shelters, but I have not done much to help. It is impossible to watch the news or listen to the radio without hearing about how someone is suffering somewhere. With starving children, unclean water, wars, greed, human trafficking, and other horrendous things happening, it is hard to go to sleep at night feeling at peace. I'll be the first to admit that I have ignored issues and hurting people for far too long. I have pretended to be ignorant and I have been passive. I have been that person who prays for changes but has not done much else. I have been disobedient. Perhaps I have felt too overwhelmed and unsure of where to start.
Sure, I have given money to charities, and I support a child though a sponsorship program. I donate my clothes and I pray for others, but this is not enough. I have never been truly intentional about making a difference and sharing the love of Christ the way I believe the Bible says to.
This blog is a new beginning for me. It's purpose is to record my daily journey over the next year as I set out to reach my goal of doing one thing each day to make the world a better place. My hope is that I can share how Christ is working in my heart to change me as I give to and serve others. I have been compiling a list of things to do throughout the year to serve, give, volunteer, encourage, and share the love of Christ. So, on January 1, 2011 I am going to start working my way through the list and blogging along the way.
My goal is not to get through the list and check things off, but rather to watch how much change can come through small things done with great love. If I am truly a grateful person, than shouldn't I be giving as a result? My life needs to reflect the things I value most. It is time for me to stop being a wallflower and start planting seeds of love as the parable of the sower in the book of Luke illustrates.
Finally, I believe that evidence of God's work is all around me but I am "too busy" to stop and see what is happening. When prayers are answered, I often times miss seeing it. I don't want this to go on any longer in my life. I want to celebrate and rejoice in seeing the Lord work. I hope to be able to include these things in my blog as I am sure God is going to do amazing things in 2011.
The time has come for me to make some great changes. I hope you will join me for the journey.